Starting September 17, 2024!

A proven 3-step process to streamline and automate every system in your business so that it can operate without you... you can learn all about it in SYSTEMIZER SCHOOL!


Things in your business aren't working as well as you know they could. 

Your business could be running smoother; it could be more efficient. You know you should do something about it but you're not sure where to start. 

  • You have too much to do.
  • Assignments are getting lost. 
  • Your team members are not following through with tasks.
  • Not all client inquiries are being addressed.
  • Daily tasks are taking way too long to complete.
  • Your employees are complaining about how long it takes to finish their work.
  • Deadlines are being dropped.
  • And there's too much depending on a person instead of a process!

If I could only afford to hire another person to help out, everything would be so much better.

Have you ever had that thought? I bet you have!

But in reality...

People can cause even more problems. Creating a system where your company relies on a process instead of a person is the key to success. 

There's too much work, not enough time, and you don't even know where to begin. Those worries pile up in your head to the point that you completely lose sight of how to begin fixing the problem.

I kept telling myself I was the glue...

I was the thing that held my business together. That if I could just find a few more hours in the day I could get everything done. That my practice would be in such a better place. 

Then the lightbulb finally turned on.

The key to success wasn't me killing myself trying to do everything perfectly. I needed to create a system where my company relies on a process and not people.  

It meant me hiring the right people, training them to manage a system, and communicating that their role was to ensure the system ran at its highest capacity.

The system should bear the brunt of the work, not YOU!

When I started my business, I had no choice but to do it all myself. 

Answering the phones, scheduling new clients, sending out intake paperwork, verifying insurance, billing claims, providing clinical services, communicating with referral sources, marketing, paying bills, getting business licenses...

You name it, I did it. It worked then, but it would never work long term. It would definitely never work if I wanted to grow. And I did!

I knew something had to change. I realized that creating systems and processes to be the foundation of my business would provide me with an unlimited capacity for growth.  

Curious? Want to know more?

Register for our FREE systems webinar and understand what the systemizing process can do for your business!

In this webinar you'll learn how to set aside harmful beliefs that keep you trapped in your business, how to think about your business as a set of systems and processes, and finally how to use the Systemizer Method to set yourself free!









So I created...


The ultimate program for industry domination; master the streamlining and automating process so you can have a business that runs without you.


This is your chance to participate in our LIVE CLASS format. This program will get your business systemized and ready to automate!

Once you complete the application process, our team will review it and let you know if you've been accepted within three business days.

During the 8-week school, we will teach you how to identify the bottlenecks in your business, create streamlined systems necessary to scale, and leverage technology so you can be free from the daily grind of operating a business. 


What are the Requirements for SYSTEMIZER SCHOOL? 

This program does have a few prerequisites. Why? Because we want all our students to finish the program and achieve a massive transformation in their practice, we need to know you are committed to the process. 

  • You must be willing to attend all of the Live Classes (if there is a class you cannot attend, you must watch the recording and complete the required makeup homework).
  • You must complete all assigned homework and be open to feedback.
  • You must have some established systems (even if they’re bad).
  • You must have at least one admin, support staff, or virtual assistant.
  • You must have a goal of increasing efficiency and order, as well as profitability.


SYSTEMIZER SCHOOL teaches you to reset your mindset, have a clear framework for addressing problems in your business, and grease your gears so you can have a practice that runs without you. Your classes walk you through the systemizing process one week at a time. In between classes, you will start systemizing on your own with your workbook as your guide.You will find a task every day for 30 consecutive days. For each task, there's a corresponding training video. We've made the process as streamlined and as easy as possible!

Section 1: Mindset Matters (live)

Section 2: FTN Methodology; Diagnosing Your Practice

Section 3: Big Picture Concept; Know Your Goal

Section 4: The Goal of Systemizing

Section 5: Your Homework - Workbook Pages 1-6 and 7-10 (Goal Exercises)

Section 1: FTN Methodology

Section 2: Diagnosing Your Practice

Section 3: Interpreting the Results; Making Meaning

Section 4: Baselining Your Diagnosis

Section 5: Homework - workbook pages 11-13 (HHN Assessment) and 14, 16-17 (identifying).

Section 1: Intro to the Systemizing Process

Section 2: Live class activity — Identifying Systems

Section 3: Collect baseline data from your business

Section 4: Homework - Workbook Pages 14-15 (Code the Steps) and18-22
(Evaluation, Reflection, Get Inside Their Head, Identifying what you can do to save time, Prioritizing Bottlenecks)

Section 1: The Streamlining Process

Section 2: Homework - Workbook pages 23-25 (Reduce Steps, Bottleneck Evaluation, Reflection)

Section 1: Streamlining continued

Section 2: Automation prep

Section 3: Homework - Worksheet Pages 26-28 (Form for Swapping Seats, Swapping Seats, Evaluation, Reflection) and pages 29-33 (Workplace Ergonomics, Automation Questions, Enhancing Efficiency, SOP Evaluation and Plan, Reflection)

Section 1: The Automating Process

Section 2: Automation Hacks

Section 3: Fresh Eyes

Section 4: Pressure Test

Section 5: Homework - worksheet pages 34-36 (Form for Fresh Eyes, Fresh Eyes Evaluation, Reflection) and pages 37-41(Pressure Test Plan, Pressure Test Evaluation, Weakest Link, I Don’t Have Time,Automating with Policies)

Section 1: Evaluating effectiveness

Section 2: Results of the pressure test

Section 3: Planning for long-term systemizing

Section 4: Homework -
workbook pages 42-45 (Evaluating Effectiveness, Reflection, Long-term Implementation, System Check-Ins)

Section 1: Reflecting on Progress

Section 2: Teaching the Team

Section 3: Takeaways 

Section 4: The Plan

Section 1: How to Create a Zap

Section 2: Intake Systems

Section 3: Dashboards

Section 4: Canned Emails

Who Is SYSTEMIZER SCHOOL's Ideal Student? 

It's important that you know exactly who this program is for because if it's YOU, then we can't wait to help you level up... if it's not you, we don't want you to waste your time or money!
  • Business owners who are looking to implement or improve a working model to reduce bottlenecks, congestion points, and inefficiencies.
  • Business owners who aren’t 1000% certain that their employees’ roles and responsibilities are aligned with each employee’s talents and are looking for a strategy to ensure they’re getting the most out of each person.
  • Business owners who want to empower their employees to resolve problems within their department without relying on the owner.
  • Business owners who are looking to ensure their practice can run unabated when key employees, including themselves, are unavailable.
  • Business owners who are looking for a framework to teach their team to solve problems in a systematic way that will always yield the right starting point.
  • Business owners looking to stabilize or scale their business — to the point that they are willing to put in the work/time to get big results.
  • Business owners who have devoted their time and energy into making their business work and they now believe it can be more and/or better


Commit to the Process

Complete the application as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Consider how much support you want from your team. Prioritize your schedule to attend class meetings.

Prepare Yourself for Change

Choose the system you want to focus on, and take the necessary steps to gather all the information you need for the class. Look for an email with next steps!

Get Systemized

Feel instant relief as soon as you make a decision to invest in your systems. Systemizing is a skill that will allow you to have the business you've always wanted and provide you with the confidence you need to level up.

Do you have THE BUTS?

It's okay, we all have buts and can'ts that come to mind when we're making investments in our practice! Here are the two we hear most often.


We get that. And that's exactly why you need to become a Systemizer! When your systems are streamlined and your processes are automated, you instantly have more time to spend doing the things you want to do.


Again, we get that. In order to have a practice that can RUN without you, you must have employees that can WORK without you. We teach you how to streamline and automate your processes so your employees can get much more done in much less time. You should not bear the burden of your practice's problems!

"I came to understand that the process was learning more about how to THINK instead of just having my questions answered. I feel like my problem solving skills where greatly enhanced. Everything feels much more manageable and attainable because I have a new FRAMEWORK for viewing things. Systemizer School was worth 4x what I paid for it!"

Rosa Jones
Owner of Freedom Support Services

"What a journey this has been! It has flown by too quickly but I desperately needed this and now feel equipped to continue this journey of systemizing and automating. Thank you to the crew who worked hard on this for us! Excited to keep on keeping on!"

Angel Koeing
Group Practice Owner

"Back from vacation and done with the workbook!! Thank you for all the encouragement, strategies, worksheets (I đź“· worksheets!!), and insights!!!!"

Laura Wallace
Group Practice Owner

"It was really helpful to be able to separate GOAL from PURPOSE as I have always struggled with this dichotomy between the mission (i.e., accessible and affordable mental health care) and the fact that we have to be profitable. And because I like nice things I’d like DMHC to be as profitable as possible!"

Ian Palumbo
Group Practice Owner

"Just wanted to say thank you so much for your guidance, feedback, and the Systemizer School system! For the first time since we opened, I feel like I have enough of an understanding of the billing process and what’s standard for the industry in our state to be able to set goals and ensure accountability. The systemizing process allowed us to finally inquire about the current process being used, examine it step by step, and find ways to improve it. This program is amazing!!!!!"

Tarah Matthews
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

"Such a valuable 30(ish) days! Thank you, Kasey Compton and team for one more set of tools! Here's to continuing to systemize the shit out of our practices! Let's go!!!!!"

Heather Gaudette
Group Practice Owner


8 Live 60-Minute Classes on Systems, Streamlining, & Automation ($3528 value)

8 Live 60-Minute Working Sprints for Accountability ($300 value)

10 Live Q&As with Experts in all Departments ($2352 value)

Comprehensive Step-by-Step Workbook ($200 value)

Accountability Group ($1200 value)

Weekly Homework w/ Feedback ($1000 value)

1 30-minute 1:1 call w/ Kasey per month ($1000 value)

Supportive Facebook Community ($154 value)

BONUS: Your Practice's Process Training, Systemize Your Calendar Training, Automation Hacks  ($500 value)

SYSTEMIZER T-shirt Upon Completion ($30 value)



Total Value $10,264

4 Easy Payments of $987.50


Improve your business, minimize wasted effort, and increase profitability.

Business owners spend way too much time bangin' out tasks that should be completely automated. They don't realize that every minute an employee spends typing in a form, doing things over and over again, and engaging in tasks that are not helping them reach the goal, it is cutting into profit. We can get you off of the hamster wheel and onto a clear path towards profitability!


Apply today to reserve your seat in September's Class! Spots are limited so get your application in! You'll be notified within 3 business days if you are accepted.

Get your FREE 30-Days to Systemized Calendar

Our comprehensive calendar will walk you through the 30 days necessary to get your business in tip-top shape.


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Two Step

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