Are you passionate about helping other businesses move forward?

Join a dynamic and diverse team of consultants who want to make a difference in the world of private practice!



















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Are you passionate about helping other businesses move forward?

Join a dynamic and diverse team of consultants who want to make a difference in the world of private practice!

Apply Now!

Our goal is to develop a team of highly trained, diverse, and empathetic consultants who are passionate about helping other practices achieve their dreams.

Every practice is different. They are in different phases of practice and have different needs. We believe there is a consultant out there for everybody, which is why we are determined to find and develop talented new consultants in the private and group practice sphere.

Unmatched Support

All of our consultants are part of my brand at KC Consulting and I take that very seriously. So I'm providing monthly case staffing and consultation for each of the consultants under me so they can do their very best work for the practices that come to us.

60/40 Split

We provide the clients, help them pick the consultant who is best for them, and support you through the process. All you have to do is show up for your clients. For most consulting packages, you'll receive a 60/40 split. For our Gold Packages, you'll receive a 50/50 split!

Flexible Hours

You'll work as a true 1099, meaning that you pick your schedule and consulting hours. The one permanent fixture on your calendar will be your monthly case staffing call with Kasey.

Access To Our Incredible Community

Because we know no one does their best work in a vacuum, we also give all of our consultants access to our Mindsight Partners membership community and Partner Portal! 

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My initial, hesitant response was, "Well, I don't think that's something I'm up for right now."

Quality control is a big deal for me, and creating a system to ensure everything runs smoothly seemed overwhelming.

Until it wasn't.

Until I had a game-changing idea.

I realized I could support my team of consultants the same way we support our team of therapists. I'll staff cases with them, troubleshoot difficult problems, meet regularly, and offer intense, ongoing support. Their coaching is a reflection of my work, and I take that seriously.

So, if you're interested in joining a team where you'll receive unparalleled support and mentorship, fill out our application telling me why you'd be a great fit.

Apply Now!